Thursday, September 17, 2009

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.....

I have not been writing here because it seems like a broken record at this point...we are just waiting. We are now waiting for the caseworker for the boys, who is different than our caseworker) to decide we would be good for the boys. This is the third week of waiting and my patience level is being tested. We have been very busy, and there is much to accomplish so I should probably be glad for the time, but you all know me, I am a doer not a waiter. I keep trying to recite to myself God's time is perfect, and I am solid in this truth.

Maybe this lesson in patience is to benefit me as a mom of five....maybe it is just
H1N1 making half of our small city sick and making deadlines extend, and extend,
a n d ... e x t e n d.

Prayer for the day,

"Lord your timing is perfect, I know it is. I am struggling to be patient. I am struggling in remembering to be still and let you be God. Lord forgive me for my impatience. Lord be with Nate and I as we enjoy our family of five. Please keep your hand on Jeremy and our love in their hearts as we wait on them. We love them already and we praise you for the opportunity of being their parents. Because you can make it happen we ask you in faith. Because you have adopted us, we yearn to adopt them. Because of Christ we come to you. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Sara! Just thinking about you. Missed you yesterday morning. Hope you are feeling better! Can't wait for you to hear more about the adoption!
